
This is ZENISK an award winning lighting design practice based in Oslo


Enhancing architecture and experiences at dark time through sustainable lighting design.

At Zenisk, the mission is to ensure that increased life quality for users and added value for clients are created through exceptional lighting design. A focus is placed on providing good visual experiences and stimulating environments.

Moreover, collaboration, creativity, meaning, simplicity, environment, trust, quality of life, and the social dynamics of people are emphasized in the approach.

Clients are typically composed of architects, landscape architects, urban planners, municipalities, engineers, and property developers.

Additionally, it is believed that through collaboration, lighting design solutions that are inclusive, open, and shared by everyone can be created, ultimately enhancing the quality of the built environment for all.



We work with sustainability in all its forms

At Zenisk, sustainability is not merely considered a box to tick—instead, it is regarded as a core value that is implemented across all lighting design projects.

This is achieved not only through concrete actions but also through a uniquely developed approach, as well as a refined process and method.

Moreover, continuous efforts are made to innovate and improve practices to ensure that sustainability is kept at the forefront of everything that is done.

Furthermore, we pledge for all our lighting design projects to be circular and carbon-neutral by 2030. 



ABOUT: Sandvika river promenade is built of wood and will be a pleasant place to stay for recreation and an attraction in the city center.
LIGHT: A specially designed sparkling “lantern” that is designed in bollard height to stand on the ground, and a suspended lantern that can be attached to the facade, on a pole or under bridges.
The shape of the lantern is inspired by the historic lanterns on the Town Hall Bridge. The experience of light is inspired by the Impressionists’ quest to capture the changing character of light. The light sparkles with calm movement inspired by live fire. A dynamic light gives us humans stimuli Sandvikalykta’s function is to create environment and atmosphere. The lantern helps to raise the status of the river promenade and is stylishly integrated into the landscape design. It is important for Bærum municipality that the lantern is beautiful and artistically designed with local roots in production and historical inspiration from Sandvika. The collaboration with Hadeland Glassverk has been particularly important. Both for the local anchorage and to be able to create a lantern that also shines when the sun hits it. The goal of the lantern is that it should give a special experience of sparkling candles in the evening and of luminous crystal during the day. To achieve the lighting concept’s goals and requirements for functionality, it is thoughtful use of light intensity, light quality and lantern locations on the river promenade. Own identity for Sandvika river promenade was achieved through the specially designed lantern with varying color temperature and light intensity, programmed in a dynamic scenario with calm movement. The varying intensity and color temperature of the light enhances the experience and preserves the area’s atmosphere. The design is timeless and constructed with solid materials. The glass that protects the crystal is made of impact-resistant safety glass.
Oppdragsgiver: Bærum kommune

ARK: Dronninga Landskap

RI: Structor Oslo
Møblering: Haugen/Zohar Arkitekter

Foto: Tomasz Majewski, Fovea Studio

Priser: Norsk Lyspris 2020 – Beste spesialdesignet produkt til prosjekt

‘The lighting concept for the Frescohallen will give the historic and the modern each their own personality. In an exciting meeting, the two timelines separate and unite, giving them each separately, as well as a unified narrative. As if they had been exhibited in a museum, they are the historical frescoes subtly highlighted with simple strokes’

Rooms, frescoes and modern interiors are presented grandly and glamorously.
The frescoes that describe Bergen’s trade to the world cover all the walls. These are frontally illuminated from the top of the column capitals. All lighting equipment is placed hidden, without embarrassment for visitors. It was essential to avoid glare for guests sitting on sofas along the walls. It was also a goal that the entire room communicates as a whole. The strong historical style embraces the mirror bar which is a distinctly radical modern approach. To emphasize this further, the front is clad in mirrors. Both the size of the bar and the mirror presented their own challenges. No light sources were allowed to reflect in the mirrors. At the same time, the mirrors reflect the room and thus also light. It all makes for a great wow experience.
In the modern interior design, all light is integrated. Lighting integrated into shelves, ceilings and stairs, close to where the light should be.
Subtle, strong lighting enhances the experience of two stories that have found each other.

‘The lighting concept for the Frescohallen will give the historic and the modern each their own personality. In an exciting meeting, the two timelines separate and unite, giving them each separately, as well as a unified narrative. As if they had been exhibited in a museum, they are the historical frescoes subtly highlighted with simple strokes’

Rooms, frescoes and modern interiors are presented grandly and glamorously.
The frescoes that describe Bergen’s trade to the world cover all the walls. These are frontally illuminated from the top of the column capitals. All lighting equipment is placed hidden, without embarrassment for visitors. It was essential to avoid glare for guests sitting on sofas along the walls. It was also a goal that the entire room communicates as a whole. The strong historical style embraces the mirror bar which is a distinctly radical modern approach. To emphasize this further, the front is clad in mirrors. Both the size of the bar and the mirror presented their own challenges. No light sources were allowed to reflect in the mirrors. At the same time, the mirrors reflect the room and thus also light. It all makes for a great wow experience.
In the modern interior design, all light is integrated. Lighting integrated into shelves, ceilings and stairs, close to where the light should be.
Subtle, strong lighting enhances the experience of two stories that have found each other.

‘The lighting concept for the Frescohallen will give the historic and the modern each their own personality. In an exciting meeting, the two timelines separate and unite, giving them each separately, as well as a unified narrative. As if they had been exhibited in a museum, they are the historical frescoes subtly highlighted with simple strokes’

Rooms, frescoes and modern interiors are presented grandly and glamorously.
The frescoes that describe Bergen’s trade to the world cover all the walls. These are frontally illuminated from the top of the column capitals. All lighting equipment is placed hidden, without embarrassment for visitors. It was essential to avoid glare for guests sitting on sofas along the walls. It was also a goal that the entire room communicates as a whole. The strong historical style embraces the mirror bar which is a distinctly radical modern approach. To emphasize this further, the front is clad in mirrors. Both the size of the bar and the mirror presented their own challenges. No light sources were allowed to reflect in the mirrors. At the same time, the mirrors reflect the room and thus also light. It all makes for a great wow experience.
In the modern interior design, all light is integrated. Lighting integrated into shelves, ceilings and stairs, close to where the light should be.
Subtle, strong lighting enhances the experience of two stories that have found each other.

Eier: Moss Kommune

Oppdragsgiver: Moss Kommune

Lysdesign: ansvarlig: Kristin Bredal, prosjektleder: Hilde Olaisen, Bao Ahn Pham

RIE: Torbjørn Moe, Moss kommune

Leverandør: SML lighting

Installatør: Z-elektro

Rehabiliteringen av gatelykt i Moss sentrum har på en forbilledlig måte lykkes med å ivareta flere aspekter innen bærekraft. Godt samspill mellom byggherre, rådgiver, leverandør og produsent bidro til at de endte opp med en løsning som ikke bare var langt mer energieffektiv enn den opprinnelige – man fikk samtidig økt kvaliteten på måter som gjorde at anlegget – tross tradisjonell estetikk – leverer lysnivå, fargegjengivelse og komfort tilpasset dagens behov og forventninger. Å ivareta det tradisjonelle utseendet ved gjenbruk av eksisterende lysarmatur var et selvstendig mål, hvor belysningen nå bidrar til at det historiske bymiljøet får vist seg frem i all sin prakt.

Eier: Entra AS

Oppdragsgiver: Entra AS

Leverandør: House of Holmendal


Zenisk ble kontaktet av Entra eiendom for å lage en lysinstallasjon i atriet til kontorbygget Nygaarden i Bergen. Gode fellesarealer hvor de arbeidende vil trives er viktig for byggherre. Oppgaven til Zenisk var å skape en installasjon som ser like flott ut på dagtid som på kveldstid. Løsningen skulle ha en wow effekt, komplementere arkitekturen i atriet og styrke byggets profil.



Den valgte løsningen er en spesialdesignet installasjon av kuler i håndblåst glass med oppheng og detaljer i messing. Konseptet “lysende klang” beskriver hvordan form, farge, størrelse, rytme og speiling i vindusflater i atriet komponeres i en harmonisk helhet. I hver kule sitter en tradisjonell pæreformet LEDfilamentpære som bringer frem den varme fargen i glasskulene. Pærene er testet og valgt ut for ekstra lang forventet levetid (30.000 timer), varmhvit lysfarge (2200 K) og god fargegjengivelse (CRI 90).
Glasskulene er organisk formet og i transparent glass i et utvalg varme fargetoner. Glasset er håndblåst i Spania og designet av House of Holmedal. Kabler skjules i metallstenger av messing som fungerer som oppheng for kulene. Innfestingen i taket i atriet er designet for å lett kunne gjennomføre vedlikehold. Installasjonen er montert på skinner med motor slik at den kan flyttes for adkomst med lift, samtidig er løsningen smekker og ikke dominerende i taket.

Request a presentation

Immersive and engaging presentations and workshops.

Want to bring lighting design to the table for a discussion?

We offer many subject-specific presentations and workshops, both in person and online. Whether you’re interested in sustainable lighting design or innovative techniques for urban spaces, we have a range of options for you. Moreover, our workshops are designed to be interactive and informative, ensuring that you get the most value.


Here are some of the topics we cover:

  • Sustainable lighting for wellbeing in architecture.

  • Additionally, sustainable outdoor lighting design for public spaces.

  • Lighting Masterplans in the North, specifically focusing on unique regional challenges.

  • Furthermore, temporary and winter lighting in the North, perfect for understanding seasonal dynamics.


Let’s explore together how lighting design can enhance our spaces and communities.

Get in touch

whether you are a city, an architect, a developer or private person we would be happy to hear from you and have a chat about your project.

Thea Collett, Chief Operating Officer & Lighting Designer